Discussion Questions: What is smuggling from a legal perspective? What is smuggled and why is it smuggled? Who benefits from smuggling and who is hurt by smuggling and how? Besides smuggling, what other land and maritime border violations threaten the facilitation of legitimate trade? What has the globalization of organized crime meant to international smuggling? 


 1. Smuggling from a legal perspective is any intent to commit fraud in the respects of people being entered in the country illegally, drugs, and other items entered into a port of entrance without proper clearance. The people who benefit from smuggling are criminals and the people hurt by this is society and the economy.  Land and maritime border violations are conducted when treaties are not respected and there is a boundary crossed. The globalization of organized crime is human trafficking which is an a horrible industry that is in the billions in the market. Organized crime benefits from smuggling, whether it is humans, drugs, or illegal items that are not allowed entry. 


2. Smuggling is the illegal transportation of good across borders without the proper documentation. Smuggled items can include simple things like household goods. It can also include drugs, weapons and extreme things like people. Smuggling is generally conducted to avoid taxes and receive and better profit margin or profit from the illegal activities like drugs, weapons or human trafficking. The people that benefit from smuggling is the smugglers. They avoid all the extra costs that comes with conducting business legally whereas the people that hurt by the smugglings are the governments and businesses that do not receive any tax revenue due to there being no real record of the smuggled goods. Also, people may purchase smuggled goods not knowing they are smuggled and could also be dangerous. 

Other land and maritimes violations that could threaten the facilitation of trade is the act of piracy where ships are attacked in the seas where cargo and sometimes even people are taken. This can disrupt the trade flow and increase costs for shipping goods. Counter fitting also can threaten trade by causing the businesses that actually sell the real goods go out of business due to these fake goods being sold for cheaper prices. Lastly, the globalization of organized crime has ultimately made international smuggling easier and more sophisticated making it more difficult to detect. Also, these criminal organizations have increased their profits allowing for more funding for other illegal activities having a negative impact on their respective countries.