Analyze existing enterprise compliance literature and provide context for an analysis of compliance management mechanisms for an organization. Then identify a research problem in assurance control and enterprise compliance management. Develop a research topic that is narrow enough for a thorough investigation within the size limitations of your project (include 3–5 scholarly references). Summarize the purpose and scope of a research project, methods used, and questions addressed.

Submit a topic definition statement for your course project. This should be 2–4 pages in length. Your topic definition statement should:

  • Provide context for an analysis of enterprise compliance management mechanisms for an organization. Identify key risk management and information security constructs and/or theoretical foundations. Identify key relationships among the constructs.
  • Analyze existing information security risk management literature. Identify gaps in knowledge in the literature.
  • Identify a research problem in enterprise compliance management.
  • Summarize the purpose and scope of your research project, and indicate the methods you propose to use and questions you hope to address.
  • Identify the target population of your project.
  • Be supported with current peer-reviewed references (from the last 5 to 7 years).
  • Have citations and references formatted according to current APA guidelines for style and formatting.

The format should include:

  • Research Topic.
  • Research Problem.
  • Research Problem Background.
  • Research Questions.