-APA format, in-text citation, reference include, 2 pages, clearly state which part
Part 1:
Health Literacy: Cultural influence, challenges, impact of different populations, and global perspectives.
Part 2:
The Office of National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONCHIT or ONC) was created in 2004 by President Bush administration to oversee HIT implementation followed by the HITECH Act (2009) enacted by President Obama administration to enhance its pace of adoption.
Identify salient features of these two Acts aimed at healthcare quality improvement through HIT implementation. Evaluate the role of financial incentives to providers for HIT-based healthcare quality improvement. Determine how the CMS (Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services) helped in healthcare quality improvement through HIT adoption. Assess implications for healthcare quality by providers for not adopting HIT? Finally, frame at least two recommendations to convince the laggard providers that HIT implementation leads to improved healthcare quality.
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