Using the information and design plan from Module 6, create a visually appealing and informative educational pamphlet
- Include information on:
- healthcare beliefs,
- health practices,
- communication styles,
- family dynamics; and
- any specific health disparities.
- Include practical tips, strategies, or scenarios that illustrate culturally competent care within the pamphlet.
- Provide examples of how your colleagues can integrate this knowledge into their practice.
- Incorporate images, infographics, and culturally relevant visuals to enhance the content.
Understanding Hispanic Culture in Healthcare
Cultural Background
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Cultural competence in healthcare is a crucial aspect in the provision of the successful and respectful service. It helps in successful provision of medical services to different patients from diverse backgrounds. The awareness of the cultural differences among Hispanic community which is one of the largest ethnic group in several regions is crucial for medical providers. This discussion offers an overview of the critical cultural aspects required to be considered when handling Hispanic patients.
Hispanic community is characterized by rich and diverse origin,
mainly from the Latin American nations. The
Spanish is the their pre- dominant language with numerous regional dia- lect. The awareness of
these linguistic varia- tions helps in ensuring successful communica- tion during service de-
liveries (Núñez-Méndez, 2022) .
Core Value and Beliefs
· The family (familismo) is the key aspect in Hispanic culture. There is stronger focus on the loyalty and support within the family. The respect for the elders and authority (respecto) is deeply observed and practiced. The religious beliefs, which is dominated by Catholicism is crucial in the daily life and medical decisions (Corona et al., 2019) .
Health Belief and Practices
Majority of the Hispanic believe in
Healthcare Challenges and Ba rriers
the balance between the hot and cold
while maintaining health. They are likely to use traditional remedies. They have the habit of relying on the home treatments before seeking the professional medical assistance (Cruz et al., 2022) .
Communication Styles
The communication process of char- acterized by respectful and use of for- mal process in addressing a person.
These behaviors are crucial in com- munication with Hispanic patients. The non-verbal communication like gestures and the eye contact and
greatly impact on the communication process during service deliveries (Cruz et al., 2022) .
The language barriers prevent
effective communication process. It calls for the need to have interpreters who help with the translation process. The mistrust of the healthcare system might be present as a result of the
previous experiences or cultural
variations. The socioeconomic factors often interfere with access to medical services. (Al Shamsi et al., 2020)
Strategies for the Medical Providers There is a need to build trust and
rapport with the Hispanic patients.
The approach helps in the promotion of effective healthcare service
deliveries. The provision of the
culturally sensitive healthcare and encouraging family involvement in medical decisions helps in the
enhancement of the patient.
outcomes (Handtke et al., 2019) .
Al Shamsi, H., Almutairi, A. G., Al Mashrafi, S., & Al Kalbani,
T. (2020). Implications of Language Barriers for healthcare: a Systematic Review. Oman Medical Journal, 35(2), 1–7.
Corona, K., Campos, B., Rook, K. S., Biegler, K., & Sorkin, D.
H. (2019). Do cultural values have a role in health equity? A study of Latina mothers and daughters. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 25(1), 65–72. https://
Cruz, M. L., Christie, S., Allen, E., Meza, E., Nápoles, A. M., & Mehta, K. M. (2022). Traditional Healers as Health Care
Providers for the Latine Community in the United States, a Systematic Review. Health Equity, 6(1), 412–426. https://
Handtke, O., Schilgen, B., & Mösko, M. (2019). Culturally competent healthcare – A scoping review of strategies
implemented in healthcare organizations and a model of culturally competent healthcare provision. PLOS ONE, 14 (7), 1–24. https://
Núñez-Méndez, E. (2022). Variation in Spanish /s/: Overview and New Perspectives. Languages, 7(2), 77.
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