READ- The CS/HB 5 — Reducing Fetal and Infant Mortality bill was passed April 2022 in order to reduce fetal and infant mortality based on the fetal and infant mortality reviews (FIMR) in the state of Florida (2022 Bill Summaries – the Florida Senate, n.d.). The bill demands that the Department of Health (DOH) provide extra FIMR committees throughout all the regions of Florida (2022 Bill Summaries – the Florida Senate, n.d.). The FIMR committee must report all their discoveries and suggestions to DOH annually (2022 Bill Summaries – the Florida Senate, n.d.). The DOH is required to report to the Governor, President of the Senate, and Speaker of the House (2022 Bill Summaries – the Florida Senate, n.d.). The bill requires that The Comprehensive Statewide Tobacco Education provide education on how tobacco effects pregnant women and women who plan to get pregnant (2022 Bill Summaries – the Florida Senate, n.d.). The bill doesn’t allow abortions performed if the fetus is more than 15 weeks gestationally (2022 Bill Summaries – the Florida Senate, n.d.). The bill also requires abortion providers to disclose if the abortion was a result of human trafficking; furthermore, providers must report if the abortion was surgical or medically induced (2022 Bill Summaries – the Florida Senate, n.d.). These providers are to report the abortion regimen given and prescribed; at the same time, The Board of Medicine and Osteopathic Medicine must supply an electronic reporting form (2022 Bill Summaries – the Florida Senate, n.d.).

      An infant that dies before the age of 1 is defined as infant mortality; at the same time, the number of infant deaths per 1,000 live infant births is how infant mortality rate is determined (Stats of the States – Infant Mortality, n.d.). The overall health of society is reflected through infant mortality; therefore, in 2020 Florida was ranked the third highest state in infant mortality in the US (Stats of the States – Infant Mortality, n.d.). Policy advocacy is when changes are made in the health care system due to injustices and inequities in which this bill is an example of policy advocacy (Levy, 2018). Provision 8.2 in the Nursing Code of Ethics states that “Nurses must lead collaborative partnerships to develop effective public health and programs that promote and restore health, prevent illness, and alleviate suffering” (Code of Ethics for Nurses, 2017). It is our obligation as nursing professionals to advocate and support the public to reduce disparities such as fetal and infant mortality.

INSTRUCTIONS- Respond with one (1) paragraph of 4-5 sentences integrating one scholarly source utilized in an in-text citation/APA.Responds to ideas in a way that advances discussion with engagement, depth, rigor, and application.

  • Interacts with a professional tone and is able to express opinions with ownership and without judgement.
  • Chooses to include professional experience to the discussion board mindful of appropriateness and boundaries. Experience is integrated as it supports the discussion board topic and utilizes scholarly references to support overall topic.In text citations are formatted per APA 7th ed.
  • Reference list is formatted per APA 7th ed.
  • Spelling, grammar, and scholarly tone are per APA 7th ed.