I need two replies to this discussion board on either agreeing or disagreeing. 150 words for each reply the original discussion is attached
In this week's discussion, Case Study 3 was the choice for this week.
What was the purpose of the study? The purpose of this study, was to look at the emergency response over the past five years at locations that suffered massive amounts of damage from hurricanes. The hope was to identify the areas of strengths and weaknesses, and to look for efficient improvements to these responses. The researchers conducted the study by looking at the timeframe from 1988-1993. During this time, there were three hurricanes that brought significant damage to coastal areas. There were areas of improvement on all three hurricanes, but also areas were the emergency response worked well and those ideas needed to be captured and used again on the next catastrophic hurricane.
How could the study been improved? After reading the required pages for this week, I thought was the study that was conducted was quite elaborative and shared plenty of information from stakeholders that were apart of the emergency response. But, based on the text here are some changes that could have been implemented or improved. "zoning law changes, citizens purchase disaster insurance, building code changes, HazMat assessment and the building of physical appurtenances" (Fischer, 2008, p. 151). Also, education on disaster response was identified as an area of weakness. The recommendation was for the coordinator to attend more training seminars.
How can researchers expand on this study? Again, my thought was this was a real comprehensive study that covered a lot of information, and used that information to develop a hypothesis on how catastrophic natural disasters can be mitigated. One defense I will say in regards to this study, Hurricanes Gilbert, Hugo, and Andrew were massive hurricanes that brought widespread damage. In that five years these storms provided a lot of data on how to respond to large emergency response disasters. Though, we have had several since these storms, the foundation has been laid to establish goals and objectives, and implement a sound mitigation plan.
How these issues relate to Biblical principles, we can look at several stories in the Bible. One of which is the flood of the Earth, and how Noah and his family prepared by building an ark. Sodom and Gomorrah are another detailed story in the Bible that covers a firestorm that destroyed not only the cities, but the people that resided within them. However, for me this passage from Isaiah; "The Lord will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought,
And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail" (Isaiah 58:11). Blessings.
Closely review either Case Study 3 or Case Study 4 from the textbook. What was the purpose of the
study? How did the researchers conduct the study? What was achieved? How could the study be
improved? How can researchers expand on this study? Clarify the issues being discussed by relating
them to scriptural and biblical principles and personal experience.
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