Looking for other expert answer to this case study. Please attached the two decision tree diagram for Liver and Breast Cancer or tumor in word format or convert word to image format.

Case Study
As it turns out, Jane's case also includes a rare form of liver cancer. The academic medical center's Pathology Department wants to confirm the diagnosis with an outside institution. They want to ensure that they are accurate in their understanding of the findings and are able to add to the great corpus of knowledge around the case by writing up the results for the next pathology conference that the medical center hosts annually.

Questions for Consideration
1. Who is responsible for communication with Jane regarding the usage of her data?

2. How are disagreements in coding addressed between providers?


Main Task: 

Create two decision tree diagrams for potential diagnosis of Jane's liver cancer and breast cancers. Each diagram should contain at least 20 total nodes. Be sure to include the potential "best case" and "worst case" scenarios within each and list the appropriate codes for clinical documentation.

Detail Explanation:
Pick any sort of tumor for Liver and Breast cancers to  create two separate decision trees for diagnosis of Liver Cancer and Breast Cancers. Each diagram should contain at least 20 total ndoes. Make sure to include the potential "best case" and "worst case" scenarios within each and list the appropriate codes for clinical documentation.

References can be included but not needed.

Please this reference link for this case study. Select any liver cancer and breast cancer types to create the decision tree. Each diagram should be at least 20 total nodes include best and worst scenarios.

Use this link: 


Thank you.