Analyze to Engage

You will continue in your role as a PM management consultant for the Scranton, PA branch of Dunder Mifflin. Please create a stakeholder analysis and management strategy you will use to lead the project.

Be sure to address all of the four steps within the following list when writing your strategy:

  1. Identify the      list of stakeholders and state whether their interest is positive,      negative, or neutral.
  2. Clarify the      interest, involvement, and sphere of influence of each stakeholder in the      project (use a power-interest grid to visualize this step)
  3. Articulate how      you will engage (include concrete, specific, and if possible measurable      steps)
  4. How will you      manage the relationships from start to finish?

Analyze to Engage

You will continue in your role as a PM management consultant for the Scranton, PA branch of Dunder Mifflin. Please create a stakeholder analysis and management strategy you will use to lead the project.

Be sure to address all of the four steps within the following list when writing your strategy:

1. Identify the list of stakeholders and state whether their interest is positive, negative, or neutral.

2. Clarify the interest, involvement, and sphere of influence of each stakeholder in the project (use a power-interest grid to visualize this step)

3. Articulate how you will engage (include concrete, specific, and if possible measurable steps)

4. How will you manage the relationships from start to finish?



Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, Inc. is a paper and office supply sales company. The company was founded in 1949 by Robert Dunder and Robert Mifflin, originally to sell brackets for use in construction. Dunder Mifflin faces an increasingly competitive marketplace. Like many smaller players, it just can't compete with the low prices charged by big box rivals like Staples, OfficeMax, and Office Depot. It seems to be constantly bleeding corporate customers that are focused on cost containment.

Based in New York City, the company has branches in smaller northeastern cities, e.g. Albany, Buffalo, Camden, Nashua, Scranton, Utica, etc. Some locations were closed due to unionization within the warehouse.

Similar companies include W.B Mason (centered in Brockton, MA) and Alling and Cory, which was acquired by Union Camp Corp in 1998.

The company culture is marked by a dysfunctional top-down management style. Despite espoused values stating commitment toward diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), Dunder Mifflin struggles with realizing these values. Multiple allegations of sexism, racism, and wrongful termination have persisted but suits did not result.

Floor Plan

Diagram, engineering drawing  Description automatically generated

Key Employees

Michael Scott – Branch Manager

He is loyal to the company and honestly tries to help his employees when he thinks they are having a problem.

Michael's constant desire to be the center of attention often manifests itself in selfish behavior.

Due to his overall lack of common sense, Michael can withstand significant abuse from his peers and is often the butt of jokes. He is quick to take offense when wronged and his response is often disproportionate to the harm suffered.

Jim Halpert – Sales/Asst Manager

"Right now, this is just a job. If I advance any higher, this would be my career. And if this were my career, I'd have to throw myself in front of a train." [

Jim has good people skills but is somewhat immature and self-centered. He can spend significant money and time in setting up elaborate pranks in the office. He often targets Dwight with his pranks.

Jim has romantic ties with Pam Beesly.

Dwight Schrute – Sales/Asst Asst Manager

Dedicated to Michael and to the corporate good, Dwight knows the corporate rules and sticks to them!

He is a competent salesperson but is lacking in people skills. In addition, he lacks self-awareness and emotional intelligence. He tends to be quite gullible, ignorant, and naïve – all while affording an air of superiority.

Dwight’s upbringing was rumored to be quite strict. His family shunned him for several years for failing to save the excess oil from a tuna can.

Dwight does hold a black belt in karate.

Pam Beesly – Receptionist

When first hired, Pam was marked by a lack of confidence and passivity. Throughout her tenure, Pam has grown in her technical skills and in her emotional intelligence. She is often consulted by coworkers as a source of guidance.

Pam has a solid creative streak and considered pursuing a career as a graphic artist.

Pam is in a relationship with Jim Halpert.

Angela Martin – Accountant

Angela is the senior accountant, head of the party planning committee, and safety officer.

Angela prides herself in her professionalism but the other employees tend to use the phrase “stuck up” when describing Angela.

Angela seems more comfortable with her cats then in making small talk with the other employees. As she is petit, she often is mocked for her stature by the manager, Michael Scott.

Angela is a vegetarian.

Kevin Malone – Accounting Clerk

Kevin is reserved and suffers from poor communication skills. He reports to Angela Martin but the two have a somewhat strained relationship.

Outside of work, Kevin is a member of a local rock band.

Kevin takes great pride in his ability to make chili.

Kevin suffered from a huge gambling debt but turned to an entrepreneurial way of paying the debt back, i.e., he sold ice cream.

Kevin is also noted for his optimism.

Toby Flenderson – HR

Due to his position in HR, Toby has duties to ensure the company's procedures and rules of conduct are followed. As such, he is perceived as an enemy by the branch manager Michael Scott who constantly dismisses company procedure and rules of conduct in order to pursue fun and a personal relationship with his employees.

A passive, soft-spoken character, Toby mostly has amicable relationships with his other coworkers, including Pam Beesly on whom he has an unrequited crush.

Toby was a former seminarian and does strive to do the right thing. At times, his passivity is a barrier for him.

Darryl Philbin – Warehouse Manager

Darryl is laid-back in social situations but does take his job extremely seriously. He is very keen on all matters pertaining to safety.

He often is at odds with Michael Scott in his efforts to enforce safety. He is innovative and is always looking for ways to improve productivity while maintaining safety.

Darryl is a single father and is an accomplished pianist.

Creed Bratton – QA

Creed is best described as eccentric but dodgy and creepy are also appropriate. Many of the employees have reported Creed was involved in multiple illegal activities.

His memory is notoriously poor; Creed has difficulty in remembering his fellow employees’ names. There is very little evidence that Creed consistently performs any actions that might help improve quality.

Creed is a decent writer and has a blog dedicated to showcasing his conspiracy theories concerning the overreach of the US government.

Ryan Howard – Sales Representative

Ryan seeks Michael Scott’s favor and constantly seeks to gain his favor through performing menial tasks for Michael.

Ryan seems to not like his coworkers and his job.

Ryan holds an MBA from the University of Scranton and often speaks of his entrepreneurial aspirations.

In the most favorable light, Ryan is a “work hard/play hard type who is rumored to abuse controlled substances. This claim has not been substantiated.

Stanley Hudson – Sales Representative

He is a serious, perpetually grumpy, and disgruntled employee.

Stanley is known for working on crossword puzzles during work and the various staff meetings. He is also characterized by his general distaste for his job and life, with his ultimate goal being to retire.

Stanley has generally good relations with most of his colleagues. However, he dislikes his boss, Michael Scott, who often comments on Stanley's African American heritage and clientele. Stanley only thinly attempts to hide his disgust and disrespect for Michael, but rarely opposes him directly.

Kelly Kapoor – Customer Service Rep

Kelly seems hyper-focused on the intra-office dynamics and only secondarily on her responsibilities as a CSR.

Kelly also seems fixated on social status and has dated several of the employees at the branch, e.g., Ryan, Darryl, etc.

Perhaps the best adjectives are adolescent and loquacious.

Requirements for the PM Platform



SCOPE: Scranton Branch Only

· Michael Scott – Branch Manager We need a state-of-the-art piece of software to help us manage our projects. The pressure to compete with giants like Staples is huge. They can leverage their economy of scale and crush prices. We need to somehow get in front of them. Is there a way to listen to tunes while logged in? DANCE BREAK!

· Jim Halpert – Sales/Asst Manager Today it’s about project management, tomorrow it will be something else. I guess we could do a better job of communicating but this feels like a bumper sticker that is doomed to fade.

· Dwight Schrute – Sales/Asst Asst Manager Corporate uses an Oracle engine on the backend and has jury rigged middleware into our PC-Based LAN. Fact: on any given day, we could have up to 15 users logging into the platform. Fact: Most of our users do not know the difference between a Mac and a PC.

· Pam Beesly – Receptionist I am pretty good at PCs and in working the switchboard. I am not really sure what program management is about but I have a friend from high school that is a PMP? Maybe after this, I will actually be able to talk to my friend about managing projects.

· Angela Martin – Accountant It would be nice if we could use the platform to raise corporate consciousness about the need for cost containment. Michael can barely spell cost!

· Kevin Malone – Accounting Clerk I just do what I am told! Would you like to try some of my chili?

· Toby Flenderson – HR I sincerely hope that the platform will not only help us communicate more effectively but will help us work toward a more inclusive work environment. I will say this – most of the employees do not read memos marked urgent. Michael seems more concerned with having a good time than with the bottom line. Getting them to log into a project management system will be challenging. I hope it works but I am somewhat pessimistic…

· Darryl Philbin – Warehouse Manager Honestly, we are bleeding money. I have stuff coming into the warehouse that sits outside of the inventory system for weeks. Orders are rarely based on actuals – they are based on data that is stale. Michael seems more concerned with being everybody’s pal than with tracking orders or getting sh*t done on time. It would be great if you could help us tighten up our processes and help us improve our safety.

· Creed Bratton – QA Leave me out of your little game – I know how this works. Consultants come in and headcount is reduced. LEAN means less employees are needed!

· Ryan Howard – Sales Representative We are getting our butts kicked up and down the playing field. We are pushing product but not focusing on value and creating value streams. I hope the platform you introduce will re-focus our efforts from reactive modalities to proactively seeking to realize value for our end-users. In my MBA classes we studied Peter Drucker. He once said that culture eats strategy for breakfast. Well, our culture is inedible!

· Stanley Hudson – Sales Representative It would be nice to be heard for a change. But, no matter what, I will retire soon. I can’t get out of here too soon! If you don’t mind, let’s end this so I can get back to my crossword!

· Kelly Kapoor – Customer Service Rep

Are you single?













