Business Law

As of this week, you would have studied sixteen chapters of business law, covering such area as: An Introduction to the Fundamentals of Dynamic Business Law The U.S. Legal System and Alternative Dispute Resolution Constitutional Law Criminal Law and Business Tort Law...


FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLE use statistics facts numbers to support  (Approx.  8-10 pages, single-spaced) Time Expectation: 18-20 Hours Original research including readings, interviews, site visits and any data analysis (8 hours) Synthesizing, writing, drafting and...


Overview: In a group of 4-5 students, you will work together in creating your International Marketing Plan that will be due in Week 12 of the semester. Ensure each group member understands and accepts their role and responsibilities for this project and agrees to...

Television review

You will be watching ONE episode of one of the CSI series. The following series/episodes are allowable:  CSI: Las Vegas, Season 1, Episodes 1-3 (2000)  CSI: Miami, Season 1, Episodes 2 or 3  CSI: NY, Season 1, Episodes 1-3 The television review is an exercise...

dq4 and assess

  Question 1 There are many international treaties and laws that exist regarding weapons of mass destruction. As an example, the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) states that member states need to reduce current stockpiles of chemical weapons over a specified period....