For this discussion, consider the ways in which technology and informatics are used to support evidence-based practice. Please address each of the following questions in your discussion response for this week: Choose a specific evidence-based practice (examples:...


Read Chapter 6, watch the Week 6 Lecture, and pick a movie. Apply Kant's moral philosophy to judge the MAIN action of the movie you chose. I highly recommend the movies: Gone Baby Gone and Sleepers, but you can select any other movie. Please make sure the movie...


The role of nutrition and chronic disease  like type 2 diabetes. 8 slides power points presentations with4 xurrent published within the last 5 years, in APA format, with speaker...

power point

  Please use the two attachments to guide you. All the information you need is in those two attachments. I have labeled them week 4 and week 6. Assignment: Over the past nine weeks, you selected an aggregate and conducted a risk assessment of its health, developed a...

pamphlet presentation

Include information on: healthcare beliefs, health practices, communication styles, family dynamics; and any specific health disparities.  Include practical tips, strategies, or scenarios that illustrate culturally competent care within the pamphlet.   Provide...