Peer Response

  Anaida S. Hearing Loss Hearing loss is an extremely common medical condition, progressing in incidence and severity with age. The affected population is also vast, varying between neonates to elderly patients, and is nearly omnipresent in the 70+ age group...

create a soap note

 Using the following case create a soap note base on the template uploaded: Subjective: Patient is a 4 years old female who was brought for consultation by her mother. She states patient has been complaining of right eaar pain and discomfort since 2 days ago, she has...

Nursing homework assistance

Hello, I need assistance with the teaching part for the ppt.  There is one side however I can add another side and with speaker notes for each slide. This is about a menu for Adult Medical-Surgical Dietary Analysis.  NR228_RUA_Nutrtional_Assessment_Guidelines_V7.docx...


 Review the scenario and address the questions below.  You are a nurse practitioner employed in a busy primary care office with responsibilities for managing the office staff, including the medical assistants who aid in client care as well as filing, answering calls...


SEE THE ATTACHED CASE STUDY 1 PAGE NO PLAGIARISM MORE THAN 10% APA 7THED REQUIRED DUE DATE AUGUST 6, 2024 NO REFERENCES OLDER THAN 5 YEARS AND CITATIONS CaseStudyModule14MSN5550.pdf MSN 5550 Health Promotion: Prevention of Disease Case Study Module 14 Instructions:...


  For this discussion, consider the ways in which technology and informatics are used to support evidence-based practice. Please address each of the following questions in your discussion response for this week: Choose a specific evidence-based practice (examples:...