There are many types of customers and potential customers in the market for products and services. Demographic data are the statistical information regarding a population. Examples of demographic data include age, gender, married or not married, children or no...


  An entrepreneur is someone who decides to either create a new product or improve a product with the purpose of filling a need in the market that is not being met. The entrepreneur assumes the risk of marketing this new product or service but also benefits from...

Individual project 4

 Marketing research is conducted to collect, record, analyze, and interpret data relative to your business market and product category. Global market research is done with the same purpose; however, the scope of the research is for organizations conducting business on...

Psychiatrics Note week 7

    Write the clinical write up for a  psychiatric fictitious  patient .32-Year-Old female With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),. Stable Patient. Follow up. Currently in Psychotherapy. Form attached. MRUClinicalWriteupformTemplate.docx MRU PMHNP Clinical...


   The Assignment: (1 page not including the title and reference page) Create a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the...