Family Violence

discuss your ideas for building an ideal program to address family violence cases.  For the purpose of this. consider yourselves appointed to a committee tasked with designing a police program to respond to incidents of family violence and elderly abuse.  Discuss what...

Kids visiting jail

 Jail incarceration disables offenders but also can rupture community ties. In the case of dependents, jail incarceration may also punish the offender’s family. Many jails are overcrowded and have limited visitation or have video visitation which may exclude children...

Solution Proposal

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, reflect upon your journey here at University of Arizona Global Campus. Think about your entrance into our school, your previous educational and professional experiences, and review how your knowledge and opinions of social...


Take a look at the sculptures by Alberto Giacometti (fig 3.14, page 43) and Henry Moore (fig. 23.34, page 432) in your text. Both pieces are good examples of the relationship between form, content, and subject matter. How do you feel the form of each sculpture...

Interpreting Results

  You decide to prepare a set of report documents that will be completed concurrently and after the implementation of your evaluation. You decide to add these forms to the memo you drafted in Wk 3 – Design Evaluation. Your intention is to receive feedback on...