
 Topic: Lynching This  week we are looking at the Black codes or laws that were enacted after  the Civil War to oppress African Americans and prevent equality for  people of color.  For the follow up– Look at the website that explains the History of Racist Laws...

Discussion 5

  Objectives Through this discussion, you will be able to… Explain current research regarding human resource development and management.  Design effective employee engagement, development and retention strategies and procedures, such as compensation, benefits,...

Discussion real world teaching

  how can you incorporate real-world events and problem solving in your classroom in order to meet the social studies standards? Select one age-appropriate for kindergarten  current event and identify one applicable social studies standard and discuss how you would...

WEEK 2 ORG 827 DQ 1 AND 2

  READ THESE two discussion questions and provide the answer – you also need to provide THREE PEER REVIEWED references PER answer    make sure these have references IN THE ANSWER ITSELF and USE at least one of the articles attached as a reference...

WEEK 2 LDR 804 DQ 1 AND 2

  READ THESE two discussion questions and provide the answer – you also need to provide THREE PEER REVIEWED references PER answer    make sure these have references IN THE ANSWER ITSELF and USE at least one of the articles attached as a reference...