
  Introduction You were the lead investigator on Operation Stop Hack and have now been subpoenaed as an expert witness in the case against the perpetrators. It is up to you to convey the complexities of the crime and evidence to the jury so they can understand the...

Web attacks

  Review the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)Links to an external site. website. After reviewing the site, what are your thoughts about the OWASP project and why do you think this would be a useful resource? Be detailed in your response. What do you think...

Process flow diagram

  Overview You just received a memo from the Project Manager with updates and a request for a process flow diagram. Read the memo below. Memo from the PM: We have decided to buy space on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and maintain our own e-commerce applications and...

SQL Injection

  The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) has periodically compiled and published (2013, 2017) the OWASP Top 10 The Ten Most Critical Web Application Security Risks. SQL Injection has remained the number one security risk for web applications for more than 6...