
Visit the Spent website (https://playspent.org)  Click “Find a Job” [Note: make a note of your monthly pay before taxes. You will use this information for the simulation in #3 below] Continue with the prompts  write up of the experience (note: you can go...


Primary Task Response Your first task is to post an outline of your final project to the discussion area so that other students are able to review your plan. Attach your document to the main discussion post, and include detailed notes that you feel are appropriate....


Complete the following activity.  A. Set up the model community. B. Sample from the community and compute species richness. C. Set up the bootstrap. 06-Donov-pages-210-CB.pdf   SAMPLING SPECIES RICHNESS6 Objectives • Simulate a population of 1000 individuals composed...


Directions for Research Report: The idea behind the research report is to allow you to research, explore, and dive into a topic that will have effect on your future (related to service/ service leadership/quality assurance/customer relationship management, etc. This...