Case Project Part 1
The case project spans Unit 3, Unit 4, and Unit 5. For the case project, you are to complete a series of “Continuing Problems” from your textbook. Those continuing problems involve a series of business issues related to the Cookie Creations (CC) company progressive narratives in the textbook end-of-chapter resources.
Part 1 of the continuing case, due in Unit 3, includes four elements:
1) APA title page,
2) APA completed abstract,
3) APA headings and subheadings, and
4) APA reference list, with no fewer than 5 preliminary references included.
The full Case Study Paper will be due in Unit 4. A PowerPoint presentation for the Case will be due in Unit 5.
The Case Project should be considered a single assignment, not three separate assignments. Therefore, do not overemphasize the score on any single component of the Case. Rather, take a broader and more accurate view of the Case Project as a single, unified assignment worth a total of 200 points. The Case point distribution is as follows:
Part I (Due Unit 3) – The Initial Formatting/Outline = 25 Points
Part II (Due Unit 4) – The Full Paper (Analysis) = 100 Points
Part III (Due Unit 5) – The Case PowerPoint presentation = 75 Points
Total Case Assignment Points = 200 Points
Much of the Case Project will be an exercise in developing your critical thinking skill and your ability to follow instructions. Therefore, be sure to read all Assignment instructions (all units: 3, 4, & 5) very carefully before starting the writing process.
Assignment Specifics:
Part 1 of the Continuing Case, due in Unit 3, includes: creating the title page, the abstract, a “framework” outline of all Level 1 and Level 2 APA headings and subheadings, and a preliminary reference list for a formal analysis paper. For the Case, you are to complete a series of “Continuing Problems” from your textbook. No other content is appropriate in the Unit 3 Case Assignment Part 1.
These are the CC you will complete:
Textbook’s Continuing Case Problems:
- CC 1
- CC 2
- CC 5
- CC 7 – Part 1, only
- CC 8 – Requirement (a), only
- Although not due in Part 1 or 2, the following additional Continuing Problem will be included in the Unit 5 Case Part 3 PowerPoint Assignment:
- CC 11– Part 1 (a), only, p. 11–52 in the physical text.
You should preview the Unit 4 & 5 Assignment instructions.
Do not present a Roman numeral outline. You may use the individual CC Problem parts to build your headings and subheadings.
Important Notes:
- Your Unit 3 Assignment should only include sufficient page length to include: title page, abstract, headings and subheadings (for the full analysis), and a preliminary reference list.
- You must use the APA template provided in the classroom as the basis for constructing your Unit 3 Assignment. Be sure you eliminate all APA template content and replace it with your own Assignment content.
- Part 2 in Unit 4 will be an analysis; do not present an “interview” format with questions and answers. Do not simply provide “short-answer” responses; use a more formal approach in the communication style. In case you do not understand the difference between formal and informal styles, please review the information provided by the Writing Center in their tutorial “Formal versus Informal Writing.”
- A properly formatted title page with running head is required. The completed abstract is required.
- Do not include a table of contents. APA does not use a TOC unless specifically required by the assignment instructions.
- Do not repeat or copy the assignment question narratives. You may use abbreviated versions of the questions as headings and subheadings. Anything that artificially increases the length of the paper but does not add value to the analysis will result in a reduced score.
Case Study Part 2
- The Full Case Study is due in Unit 4.
- A PowerPoint presentation for the Case will be due in Unit 5.
Part 2 of the Continuing Case, due in Unit 4, builds on the work completed in Unit 3. The title page, abstract, outline and preliminary reference list completed in Unit 3 will be the foundation for the Unit 4 Paper.
For the Case Part 2, you are to complete a series of “Continuing Problems” from your textbook.
Important Notes:
- Use the APA template located in Course Resources as the format basis for your Unit 4 Assignment.
- The final paper must be presented in a single Word document. The full paper due in Unit 4 must be between 7 and 10 properly formatted pages in length, not including the title, abstract, and reference list pages. The paper must use proper APA Publication Manual 7th edition formatting, including title page, running head, abstract, and reference list with properly formatted citations in the body of the paper. Headings and subheadings are required.
- Part 2 is a formal research analysis; do not present an “interview” format with questions and answers. You are a research analyst for the purposes of this assignment, not a “business consultant” to the case protagonist.
- Before submitting your Unit 4 Case Paper, submit it to the Writing Center for “Paper Review.”
Special Note: You may only submit your Unit 4 Case Paper after the Unit 3 Case Assignment has been submitted and returned to you with feedback.
Case Study Project Part 3
Your Unit 4 Assignment, Part 2 of the case study, will be the beginning point for your PowerPoint presentation. Begin with a brief introduction on the introductory slide. Then, using your Unit 4 Case Study Assignment Part 2 as the basis, build a PowerPoint presentation that discusses all required components of the appropriate textbook continuing case problems.
In addition to the requirements for the Unit 4 Case Part 2, the Unit 5 Case PowerPoint presentation will require additional content. CC11 from the textbook, Part 1 (a), is a new requirement. Incorporate your answers to those three questions in addition to the CC problems of the Unit 4 paper.
PowerPoint Presentation with Voiceover
The third and final part of the Case Study is due at the end of Unit 5. You will create a PowerPoint presentation with voiceover. (Steps for creating a PowerPoint voiceover are presented at the end of this document). The voiceover will be the narrative you would be presenting if this were a live presentation. You will, in essence, be making a presentation to your colleagues and instructor.
Assume that your colleagues are your audience and they have not read the Unit 4 Case you completed in Part 2 of the Project. Even though this will be a brief presentation, it should include all essential information and data in condensed format. This aspect of the presentation would provide the proper perspective they need to make informed decisions.
Include a summary slide immediately before your references slide. Be sure to review the grading rubric (at the end of this document) before submitting your Assignment to ensure optimum assessment!
The PowerPoint presentation must include a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 14 slides. The first slide must be a title slide, and the final slide must be your reference list. The audio presentation itself (voiceover) should be 12–15 minutes long.
In addition to recording the voiceover, the text (or “script”) of your voiceover must be written into the Notes section of each slide. Proper grammar and spelling will be an important part of the Assignment. Be sure to perform a spell check.
Remember this very important presentation technique — Do not present slides that contain too much information. Keep the slides clean and uncluttered by using bullet points. The Notes section allows you to provide as much content and details about the presentation as are needed. The slides should also be designed to serve as the basis for the voiceover narrative. That is, the slides should simply be an outline or “platform” from which you launch your full presentation.
Steps to create a PowerPoint slide with voiceover:
- Select the “Insert” tab at the top tool bar.
- Select the “Audio” icon at far right.
- Select “Record Audio” in the drop-down menu.
- To start recording, click on the red circle button.
- To end the recording, click on the blue square button.
- To play back, click on the triangle Forward button at the left.
- If you are satisfied with the slide’s recording, click the “OK” button.
- You should see the faint watermark audio speaker icon appear on the slide.
- Repeat for each slide.
Note: No need to add audio for the reference slide.
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