week 13

  Please get familiar with the American Physical Therapy Association Statement on the Supervision of Support Personnel https://www.apta.org/uploadedfiles/aptaorg/about_us/policies/practice/directionsupervisionpta.pdf Please answer the following questions this week: 1....


   The Assignment: (1 page not including the title and reference page) Create a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the...

Psychiatrics Note week 7

    Write the clinical write up for a  psychiatric fictitious  patient .32-Year-Old female With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),. Stable Patient. Follow up. Currently in Psychotherapy. Form attached. MRUClinicalWriteupformTemplate.docx MRU PMHNP Clinical...

Individual project 4

 Marketing research is conducted to collect, record, analyze, and interpret data relative to your business market and product category. Global market research is done with the same purpose; however, the scope of the research is for organizations conducting business on...


  An entrepreneur is someone who decides to either create a new product or improve a product with the purpose of filling a need in the market that is not being met. The entrepreneur assumes the risk of marketing this new product or service but also benefits from...


 There are many types of customers and potential customers in the market for products and services. Demographic data are the statistical information regarding a population. Examples of demographic data include age, gender, married or not married, children or no...


  Data analytics plays an important role in marketing management. There are many types of data to be gathered and studied. Structured data are quantitative data that can be stored in a fixed format, such as a spreadsheet or list. These data can be easily processed by...