week 8 comprehensive

  QUESTION 1 Identify the variables in the following hypotheses and indicate the best method for analysis: Mice solve the cheese maze quicker than rats. Independent Variable:  Type of Variable: continuous or categorical  and type of scale : ratio, interval, nominal,...


 https://youtu.be/ZO2nJY1ltlg?si=mPcsJeyXIValhWih which further defines philosophy and examines its branches.  After watching  this and all of unit one's videos, you will have seen several graphical representations (or “mind mapsLinks to an external...

Project topic Creaion

Class-Information and Digital Literacy we  have read about two steps of the BIG6 model: task definition and  information seeking strategies (CO1 & 2).  complete Parts  I and II.  Part I: write one or  two sentences per bullet point (there are additional questions...

journal analysis

  Select a scholarly article on social media and education from one of the APUS Library databases. Please make sure you are choosing a peer-reviewed article from an academic journal. Summarize the article BRIEFLY. (1 paragraph) Identify the purpose of the research and...

natasha 3

  Choose one of the following topics relevant to evidence and procedures:   1.  Documentation, collection, and preservation of DNA evidence 2.  The pros and cons of relying on modus operandi and signature in a serial homicide investigation. 3.  Discuss bitemark...