As a health care manager, it is important to understand technology options that have a positive impact on health care organizations.
Reflect back to the Week 1 Technology Evaluation Chart and select 1 of the technology trends you researched for the assignment.
Read “8 New Healthcare Technology Trends to Track in 2021“ from Demigos to learn about the latest health care technology, including cybersecurity for health care infrastructure.
Part l: SWOT Analysis
Complete the SWOT Analysis Template.
Part II: Summary
Write a 350- to 700-word summary that incorporates the key components of the completed SWOT analysis for the technology trend selected.
- The selection and acquisition process of new technology
- The stakeholders involved in the process and their impact on the purchase
- How the completed SWOT analysis will be used in the selection process
- Why you have selected this technology
- The goal of the technology
Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed or similar references to support your assignment.
HCS/487 v3
SWOT Analysis Template
HCS/487 v2
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SWOT Analysis Template
Resource: Week One Evaluation Chart, weekly resources
Reflect to Week One Evaluation Chart and select one of the technology trends you researched for the assignment.
Complete the table below by analyzing the technology trend selected and generating 2 factors for each of the SWOT categories (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats).
Weaknesses |
Opportunities |
Threats |
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