Search the literature for scholarly or peer-reviewed articles on your research topic/problem statement. Locate 10 empirical studies (each must be under five years old) addressing your selected issue. At least two of the 10 articles should have an ethical issue described and at least two of the 10 articles should discuss risk management of a project. Describe what you learned, how it applies to your research topic/problem statement, and what applications apply to your topic. Summarize the methodology, and research results, and provide an analysis of the empirical studies. Draw conclusions for the findings in your research.
Summarize each article. You may want to capture the following information with a tool such as One Note or RefWorks for later use in your doctoral project. Use this assignment and course as a way to build up a reference list for your topic.
Write a report/review of the literature you find that provides the following:
- Key words in title and abstracts.
- Theory referenced.
- Purpose of research.
- Results.
- Conclusions.
- Implications and recommendations.
- Any ethical implications that exist as a result of the study reviewed toward project management.
- Description of how risk management processes were discussed, analyzed, or studied in the literature reviewed.
Week 2 assignment Topic Definition Statement Research Topic Information Security Governance and Risk Management in IT Project Management Analysis of the Existing Project Management Literature Project risk management is essential in IT project management. This process involves defining, assessing, and managing risks that may hinder project success, as defined by Ayat et al. (2021). Experiences presented as works of literature contain different aspects of Risk Management Frameworks like PRINCE2 and PMBOK. They have also focused on including risk management in the overall project life cycle to aid in decision-making and consequently boost the projects’ performance (Project Management Institute, 2017). Further, the literature has indicated that information security governance can assist in managing risks attributed to data breaches, cyber threats, and compliance risks. Additionally there is literary works including various situation explaining the lack of combination that is between information safety and the many dangers of administration that underlines by remarkable job failings . For instance, major data breaches and system downtimes are linked to mediocre risk management frameworks that failed to adequately address information security (Aquino Cruz et al., 2020). Thus, there is a pressing need to adequately garner strategies that address both realms. Research Problem Background However, there are some limitations in the existing literature regarding the implementation of frameworks of project risk management in information security governance. Many organizations struggle to implement sufficient risk management strategies their information security policies because most are unnaturally exposed to cyber threats. This void can be observed in IT project management based on Alghamdi et al., 2020. Also, the significance of information safety and safety administration in maintaining organizational integrity and compliance with legal requirements is being recognized. Sound governance contributes to the sustainable and continuous implementation of information security policies in line with the organization’s goals (Malatji, 2023). This study will seek to bring the existing knowledge gap that currently separates security governance and project risk management into focus when managing information technology projects. Research Problem Statement The following study seeks to understand the poor implementation of ISG and PRM within IT project management. Its purpose is to determine how these two critical components can be improved to become more in phase, thus, improving general management of risks within information technology projects. This concern is alarming in the current world, where organizations’ operations rely heavily on digital infrastructure, which comes with the threat of cyber risks. Managers tend to deal with information security and project management separately, and this brings vulnerabilities that enemies will exploit. Thus, research aims to create a framework to minimize risks and meet the objectives and requirements of the organization. Purpose and Scope This research work deconstructs contemporary strategies for integrating information security supervision with the supervision of project risks in IT project management. It provides a universal model to address the gaps that have been identified. In this kind of student study, many relevant components are analyzed, including critical aspects from existing literature, assessment of examples in practice, and development of a proper conceptual framework to be applied to IT projects. Research Question What approach would best facilitate coordinating and incorporating information security oversight into project risk management to enhance the overall risk-handling approach in IT project management? Methods This research will, therefore, use a generalized quantitative research approach comprising lively and interactive interviews with IT project managers and information security personnel, among other relevant individuals (Liamputtong, 2020). The interviews will last between fifteen to thirty minutes per conversation and focus on the interviewees’ views and practice of integrating information security governance and project risk management. Data will be thematically analyzed from these discussions. Theoretical Foundation The investigation into technology acceptance will use a model known as Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), accompanied by the General Systems Theory. Similarly, TAM is believed to help explain aspects that influence the acceptance and usage of integrated risk management strategies (Davis et al., 2024). At the same time, according to the concept of General Systems Theory, which focuses on interactions, the relationships between information security governance and project risk management will be presented. Target Population The population of interest for this research involves responding to IT project managers, information security specialists, and other entities involved with managing IT projects within medium—to large organizations, focusing on technological and financial industry sectors. Eligibility Criteria There should be at least 5 terms of skill regarding project management within the IT field or supervising the ISG program. They should have worked on at least one IT project that involved extensive risk management activities. Ethical Considerations Concerns with ethics for this study include the privacy of the participants, obtaining consent, and protecting them from harm, as suggested by Zimmer (2020). Each subject will be informed of the purpose of research activity, their individual responsibilities, and their right to withdraw from participation at any time. This data shall be kept confidential and only be used for research without divulging the participants' identities. Gaps in Practice (DIT) There is a clear absence and possible direction for further research regarding integrating risk management frameworks that combine information security governance with project risk management (Lee, 2020). Many organizations cannot coordinate these aspects and integrate them smoothly, which leads to complications and an increased risk level. This research plans to fill this gap by providing a comprehensive framework for practitioners to follow, which is an attempt to improve risk management practices in IT projects.
UNIT 4 LITERATURE REVEIW ASSIGNMENT *Please note when you conduct your literature review, please do not conduct an annotated bibliography where you notate the reference first and write about the article below it with no in-text citations. Sample Annotated Bibliography Entries (I do not want to see this) Waite, L., Goldschneider, F., & Witsberger, C. (1986). Nonfamily living and the erosion of traditional family orientations among young adults. American Sociological Review, 51, 541-554. The authors, researchers at the Rand Corporation and Brown University, use data from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Young Women and Young Men to test their hypothesis that nonfamily living by young adults alters their attitudes, values, plans, and expectations, moving them away from their belief in traditional sex roles. They find their hypothesis strongly supported in young females, while the effects were fewer in studies of young males. Increasing the time away from parents before marrying increased individualism, self-sufficiency, and changes in attitudes about families. In contrast, an earlier study by Williams cited below shows no significant gender differences in sex role attitudes as a result of nonfamily living. *You should analyze the article using in-text citations. Please reference anything that is not common knowledge. Your reference citation should be included on your reference page following APA format 7th edition. Below is an example of what a literature review should look like. (This is what I should see for your submission) Vroom (1959) developed the expectancy-valence theory, which he later called the expectancy motivation theory (Vroom, 1964). The expectancy motivation theory suggests that employees will exhibit positive performance behaviors when they believe that their work will result in certain rewards (Vroom, 1964). Building upon Vroom’s expectancy motivation theory, Gilbert (1978, 2013) published his behavioral engineering model that provided a motivational foundation for the inputs that can lead to specific employee motives. Gilbert identified three categories covering information, instrumentation, and motivation. Within the manager’s scope of control are data, resources, and incentives. Within the employee’s scope of control are knowledge, capacity, and motives. Gilbert argued that if managers improved the availability of data access, provided the tools and equipment, or incentives to perform, employees would exhibit a change in willingness to participate. Likewise, if employees have a change in knowledge or capacity to perform, employees would exhibit a change in willingness to participate (Gilbert, 1978, 2013). Vroom’s (1964) expectancy motivation theory and Gilbert’s (1978) behavioral engineering model both align with this study exploring the strategies that department store managers use to motivate their sales associates.
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