The goal of this assignment is to choose a topic and create a research plan that will contribute to the Week 7 Final Project. 


In the Week 1 and Week 2 Lessons, we have read about two steps of the BIG6 model: task definition and information seeking strategies (CO1 & 2). As you consider the Week 7 Final Project, you will complete a project plan to help you focus your energies and generate ideas to help you be successful academically. To complete the Week 2 Assignment: Project Plan, you have to complete Parts I and II. 

Part I:
Click on the Assignment tab to review the instructions for the Week 7 Final Project. After you understand what is required in Week 7, write one or two sentences per bullet point (there are additional questions and points to help you flesh our your ideas): 

  • Topic:
    • Choose a topic that is realistic and one that you want to learn more about.
    • The topic might be a career field you want to go into or something else that deeply interests you.
  • Scope and value:
    • What is the scope of the topic and your research?
    • What value does it bring to your life? To your professional life? 
  • Communication medium:
    • How are you going to communicate your project?
    • How will you make your presentation different and unique? 
  • Critical thinking questions:
    • Pose different questions that will help you with your research and investigate your topic in more depth. 
    • Post critical questions that will push you to improve. 
  • Subtopics (optional).
  • Brainstorming (optional). 

Part II:
Part II is a reflective paragraph that represents your critical thinking process when thinking about possible sources and your research. You are NOT looking for specific sources now. Consider the best possible sources as presented in the week 2 Lesson. What type of sources will work best for your research? How can you support your project plan with credible, current, reliable, accurate, and relevant information?

Once you complete Parts I and II, please submit as a WORD document. 

Consider the following: 
– Keep in mind that a robust project plan will help you with the Week 4 and Week 7 assignments.
– Please see the attached rubric to review grading expectations.



(3.4 pts) DEVELOPING



(0 pts)

Part I: Topic, Scope

& Value (30%)

Student presents a well-written topic sentence that clearly points to the Week 7 Project and the scope and value are clearly articulated.

Student presents a topic sentence that points to the Week 7 Project and the scope and value are articulated.

Student summarizes a topic sentence that indirectly points to the Week 7 Project and the scope and value are vaguely articulated.

Student presents a confusing topic sentence that indirectly points to the Week 7 Project and the scope and value are confusing.

Student did not attempt.

Part I: Communication

Medium and Critical Thinking Questions


Student presents a well-written communication medium description and presents several thoughtful critical thinking questions.

Student presents a communication medium description and presents several critical thinking questions.

Student briefly summarizes the communication medium description and presents several questions that partially connect to the Project Plan.

Student presents a confusing communication medium description and includes several questions that do not connect to the Project Plan.

Student did not attempt.

Part II: Determine the

Extent of Information

Needed* (30%)

Student presents a well thought- out reflection that is detailed, insightful, and the types of information (sources) to be selected directly relate to the topic and scope.

Student presents a reflection that is detailed and the types of information (sources) to be

selected relate to the topic and scope.

Student presents a reflection that need to be developed and the types of information (sources) to be selected partially relate to the topic and scope.

Student presents an unfocused reflection and the types of information (sources) to be selected do not relate to the topic and scope.

Student did not attempt.

Writing Quality* (10%)

Uses graceful language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, and is virtually error- free.

Uses straightforward language that generally conveys meaning to readers. The language in the portfolio has few errors.

Uses language that generally conveys meaning to readers with clarity, although writing may include some errors.

Uses language that sometimes impedes meaning because of errors in usage.

Student did not attempt.

*Portions of this rubric come from the AAC&U Value Rubrics. Retrieved from https://www.aacu.org/value-rubrics

 The Writing Quality criteria come from the Written Communication Value Rubric

 The Determine the Extent of Information Needed criteria comes from the Information Literacy Value Rubric.




(3.4 pts) DEVELOPING



(0 pts)

Use Information

Effectively* (40%)


Communicates, organizes and synthesizes information from sources to fully achieve a specific purpose, with clarity and depth. Provides the audience with substantive information that increases their knowledge of the topic.

Communicates, organizes and synthesizes information from sources. Intended purpose is achieved. Provides the audience with information that increases their knowledge of the topic.

Communicates and organizes information from sources. The information is not yet synthesized, so the intended purpose is not fully achieved. Did not provide the audience with information that increases their knowledge of the topic.

Communicates information from sources. The information is fragmented and/or used inappropriately (misquoted, taken out of context, or incorrectly paraphrased, etc.), so the intended purpose is not achieved. Did not provide the audience with information that increases their knowledge of the topic.

Student did not attempt.

Presentation Organization


The organization of the presentation includes an introduction, body, conclusion, and properly formatted reference/works cited page.

The organization of the presentation includes an introduction, body, conclusion, and reference/works cited page.

The organization of the presentation includes an introduction, body, and conclusion, but no reference/works cited page

The presentation lacks a cohesive organization or a reference/works cited page.

Student did not attempt.

Graphics and Appearance


Effective use of bullets and spacing on all slides. Pictures, in addition to the slide background are used strategically on slides. A professional-looking slide background is used.

Effective use of bullets and spacing on most slides. Pictures used on some slides. A professional-looking slide background is used.

Effective use of bullets and spacing on is inconsistent on the slides or pictures are not used appropriately or a professional-looking slide background

Effective use of bullets and spacing on is inconsistent on the slides and pictures are not used appropriately and a professional-looking slide background is not used.

Student did not attempt.

Sources and Evidence*


Demonstrates skillful use of high- quality, credible, relevant sources to develop ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing

Demonstrates consistent use of credible, relevant sources to support ideas that are situated within the discipline and genre of the writing.

Demonstrates an attempt to use credible and/or relevant sources to support ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing.

Demonstrates an attempt to use sources to support ideas in the writing.

Student did not attempt.

Writing Quality* (10%)

Uses graceful language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, and is virtually error- free.

Uses straightforward language that generally conveys meaning to readers. The language in the portfolio has few errors.

Uses language that generally conveys meaning to readers with clarity, although writing may include some errors.

Uses language that sometimes impedes meaning because of errors in usage.

Student did not attempt.

*Portions of this rubric come from the AAC&U Value Rubrics. Retrieved from https://www.aacu.org/value-rubrics

 The Sources and Evidence and Writing Quality criteria come from the AAC&U Written Communication Value Rubric

 The Use Information Effectively criteria comes from the Information Literacy Value Rubric.


Source Evaluation Worksheet

Part I: Topic

Describe the topic, concept, idea, or approach that is going to be the central idea of the Week 7 Field of Study Project. There is no minimum word count but please use several fully thought-out sentences to make your point.

Part II: Source Evaluation

Article Title:

Article Author:

Retrieval Information (example website link):

Source’s Publication Date:

Publishing Information:

Source Summary:

Article Title:

Article Author:

Retrieval Information:

Source’s Publication Date:

Publishing Information:

Source Summary:

Article Title:

Article Author:

Retrieval Information:

Source’s Publication Date:

Publishing Information:

Source Summary:

Article Title:

Article Author:

Retrieval Information:

Source’s Publication Date:

Publishing Information:

Source Summary:

Source Evaluation | 1