The student must then post 2 replies of at least 250 words by 10 a.m. (ET) on Saturday 7/2/2023. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 2 scholarly citations in APA format. Each reply must incorporate at least 2 scholarly citation(s) in APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include texts, articles, presentations, the Bible, blogs, videos, etc.



Adam Hutchison

This post will discuss concepts learned throughout the course and how those concepts and current efforts may be utilized to enhance other efforts to prevent terror attacks against the United States. George W. Bush established the Department of Homeland Security (Taylor & Swanson, 2019). This was not just another department in its own right. The new department created a framework for the intelligence community that allowed for a sort of unification of intelligence sharing; one of the main missions of the department is the prevention of terrorist attacks (Dahl, 2021). This new department took the lead in wartime over the intelligence and war-fighting branches. The Department of Homeland Security has many hats or missions, as they have an intelligence wing, as well as other white-collar jobs. This department has probably helped to keep the United States secure through the decades after the attacks in September of 2001. Ways that an enhancement of security can occur is through people. People are needed to continue the defense of the United States. The media can be used to paint a positive picture of serving the country. Movies such as Top Gun in the 1980s were used as a major recruitment tool to add a thrill to join the Navy, with naval recruiters setting up shop in the opening days of that popular movie release, at movie theatres (1986). Many young people today often have a negative view of the United States and serving due to oppositional ideological subversion and oppositional media against the United States. The terror threat today is at its highest level. Other oppositional forces from rising powers, like China, are hurting the interests of the United States. Russia has been a steadfast opponent of United States' interests, even as their power has waned as they fight a losing battle in Ukraine and their mercenary groups have risen up against them. Some problems with fighting the war on terror in the United States is that Americans have grown accustomed to appreciating a sense of privacy. Listening in on private communications is part of intelligence and those that resist this are often patriots but some understand domestic intelligence gathering. Artificial intelligence can help to find patterns that can point to a domestic attack, but widespread eavesdropping on those who are not seen as a risk is opposed and fought fervently opposed by freedom loving Americans. Even still, SIGINT still occurs and may have helped to thwart attacks, even as researchers have suggested that minimal if any, attacks have been thwarted; it is difficult to prove that either has occurred (McLaughlin, 2015). Government use of media and video games can be a useful tool in finding more people to join the fight. Immigration is another mode to attract talent to serve the United States. Immigrants already have a path to join the military to serve and immigrants often speak English well enough to be assets, along with the languages of their home country. Electing leaders that are unifying and not divisive is a necessity that could have assistance from intelligence wings, although this will be controversial it might be a necessity, with an approach that is open and legal.


Michele Peterson

"Terrorism, Intelligence, and Homeland Security" by Taylor and Swanson (2019) provides a comprehensive understanding of the terrorist threat environment, the dynamics that come into play in that environment, and the vital role the Intelligence Community plays in the nation's security. This post provides key concepts from the text and looks at how these concepts can be applied and improved to better secure the United States (Taylor & Swanson, 2019).

The textbook begins by providing a foundational understanding of terrorism, including the different types of terrorism and the motivation and root causes of terrorism, outlining the importance of understanding recruitment practices and past actions that have led to the creation of certain groups. The rise of organizations such as al Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS) provides a case study on which the rest of the book is based. This approach allows students to grasp real-world actions and concepts (Taylor & Swanson, 2019).

The book's next section explores the Intelligence Community has a role in counterterrorism efforts, various intelligence collection methods, and analytic techniques. However, the most impactful topics covered in this section are the new and updated legislation created in the aftermath of 9/11. Discussion circles around the USA PATRIOT Act and the lasting impact the act had on the operating authorities of the Intelligence Community and law enforcement and their ability to carry out anti-terrorism and counterterrorism operations domestically and internationally (Taylor & Swanson, 2019). Perhaps no other legislation has significantly influenced the United States and the Intelligence Community. Many worldwide indicate that the USA PATRIOT Act expanded the United States' powers at the expanse of traditional checks and balances (Bhatt, 2020).

The following sections of the text review security at home and securing the borders of the United States. This section focuses on enhancing border security through strengthening border control measures and screening processing. There is also discussion on leveraging technology for improved border surveillance and detection (Taylor & Swanson, 2019). While these actions may seem strictly under the purview of the government, that is not always the case. In order to accurately secure the border, the government needs to work with and gain information from private entities. This type of cooperation assists with identifying the transportation of potential goods across the border (Engelenburg et al., 2019).

The last major section of the text covers critical infrastructure and key resources (CIKR). These sections cover identifying what CIKR is, vulnerabilities associated with CIKR, and developing resiliency and response capabilities. One key component for securing CIKR is the public-private partnerships needed to share the requirement to secure CIKR (Taylor & Swanson, 2019). Defining what constitutes CIKR can be a challenge as technology develops and progresses. Attacks on CIKR no longer just include physical attacks. Cyberattacks can be carried out by a number of perpetrators, including terrorist organizations. Protecting CIKR no longer not stops at the border of individual states. There is now an international effort to protect national critical infrastructure as the world becomes increasingly globalized (Newbill, 2019). Moving forward, it is imperative to leverage technological advancements and promote information sharing and collaboration with international partners to combat terrorism. These actions must be completed by balancing civil rights and liberties with national security concerns. Technology use should be adopted to continue adapting to an ever-changing threat environment (Taylor & Swanson, 2019). A review of how intelligence information is collected and processed can assist with making intelligence assessments stronger. Changing information evaluation methods from a rigid all-purpose method to a flexible, context-sensitive one can improve the national security decision-making process based on intelligence assessments (Irwin & Mandel, 2019).