• Discussion Replies: Research Questions Versus Interview Questions

Reply to at least 2 of your classmates' threads, in at least 250 words each, building upon the
original thread or offering a contrasting viewpoint. The replies must be substantive, using at least
two scholarly resources, 1 biblical integration, and must further the discussion.


The qualities and characteristics of a good research question should be clear and focused.   A good research question should be researchable and not too easy to answer. A good research question pinpoints precisely what you want to know and is relevant to the field. Research questions must be feasible and specific in what you are trying to determine. Asking questions is used to explore subjects, examine the possible consequences, think of alternatives, and take up new concepts, which is an old and ancient mode of enhancing thought and knowledge (Goldschmidt & Matthews, 2022). The research question should be more than a yes or no answer. A wrong research question is when someone can answer your question without any research. A good research question must be well-focused on the subject. The research questions cannot be too general. 

The research questions must tie directly to the problem and purpose statement. Interview questions are open-ended questions typically applied in the qualitative study. Survey questions are closed-ended and often used for quantitative analyses.

The qualities and characteristics of good interview or survey questions are listening without interrupting, do not correct the person that you are interviewing, and ask as many open-ended questions as possible. Another quality and characteristic of a good interview question are to start with simple questions to help get the interviewer comfortable and relaxed to answer more complex questions. Be prepared for the interview by having background information. Good survey questions should be more close-ended to help gather quantitative data and open-ended questions to gather qualitative data. Good survey questions should be neutral. The questions should be different from each other question. (Robson, C., & McCartan, K. 2015)

Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. This relates to this week's discussion about questions. You cannot get the answers to questions if you do not ask or seek to find the right person to answer them.



Goldschmidt, G. & Matthews, B. (2022). Formulating Design Research Questions: A Framework.  Design Studies, 78.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.destud.2021.101062Links to an external site.

Online, K. J. B. (2023f).  King James Bible online. MATTHEW CHAPTER 7 KJV.  https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Matthew-Chapter-7/#7-8Links to an external site.

Robson, C., & McCartan, K. (2015). Interviews and focus groups. In  Real World Research, 4th Edition (pp. 284–306). essay, John Wiley & Sons.


Qualities and Characteristics of Good Research Questions The doctoral research process is heavily reliant on research questions. Instructions are given to structure the study and direct methodology selection. A research question with several qualities and characteristics is effective and can address the specific issue or problem identified in the problem statement. All research projects require this component. This essay aims to delve into what makes for a successful research question by exploring its fundamental qualities, examining possible weaknesses, and discussing how researchers can formulate and improve their own. We shall outline the qualities of good interview or survey questions as well. . A good research question manifests specific qualities and characteristics. The study's purpose and the issue being investigated should be clearly and concisely stated first and foremost (Gherardi, 2019). The researcher and readers can better understand the research focus when there is clarity in its presentation. In addition, a research question that is well-defined and specific is important. The researcher can narrow the scope and collect relevant information with this. Hamilton and Finley (2019) highlight the importance of balancing generalizability and feasibility while avoiding extremes of being too broad or too narrow. Addressing the central components of the problem statement enables research questions to become effective. Investigated issues are comprehensively understood with their aid (Braun & Clarke, 2022). Building upon existing knowledge or theories through logical progression is crucial for research questions to be effective. The articles must be applicable and enhance knowledge development in the domain. Furthermore, questions that can yield productive research outcomes need to be answerable, signifying the presence of practical techniques and accessible information to handle them. In contrast, particular factors have the potential to weaken a research query. A typical weakness is the occurrence of ambiguity or vagueness. A research question that needs clarification can make determining the study's direction challenging (Braun & Clarke, 2022). Obtaining relevant and meaningful data may prove challenging if the topic is narrower. Besides, narrowing down a research question might confine the possibility of gaining extensive insights. (Braun & Clarke, 2022). Irrelevance weakens research questions as another factor. The significance and impact of a research question are lost if it fails to address an important issue or contribute to existing knowledge. Before starting a study, it is significant to assess the research question cautiously. Careful consideration is necessary to develop a set of strong research questions. Researchers can kick off their study by conducting a comprehensive literature review and identifying gaps or unanswered questions (Gherardi, 2019). This process facilitates the refinement of focus and framing of research questions. Getting advice from professionals or coaches may offer useful perspectives. The questions' relevance and correspondence to the present research landscape are ensured by it. In addition, testing the research questions' feasibility and effectiveness may involve conducting pilot studies or small-scale investigations (Gherardi, 2019). Effective interview or survey questions have distinctive qualities and characteristics. Clear and understandable interview or survey questions are necessary for the participants (Hamilton & Finley, 2019). The participants might feel confused or alienated if technical jargon is used in the text, so it is important for the wording to be simple and concise. Moreover, these queries must relate to the study's aims and offer valuable data. The study's objectives (Hamilton & Finley, 2019) require gathering information directly addressing the research questions. To avoid influencing the participants' responses, ensure that your interview or survey questions maintain neutrality and lack bias (Braun & Clarke, 2022). To ensure objectivity, researchers must avoid asking leading or suggestive questions. Effective research questions usually possess clarity, specificity, relevance, and feasibility. Proverbs 2:3-5 states, "Indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God" (KJB). Similarly, by adhering to these qualities and characteristics, researchers can ensure that their research and interview or survey questions are effective and contribute to advancing knowledge in their field. References Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2022). Conceptual and design thinking for thematic analysis. Qualitative Psychology (1), 3. Gherardi, S. (2019). How to conduct a practice-based study: Problems and methods. Edward Elgar Publishing. Hamilton, A. B., & Finley, E. P. (2019). Qualitative methods in implementation research: An introduction Psychiatry Research, p. 112516. King James Bible. (2020). King James Bible Online. https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/ (Original work published 1769)


The Essence of Effective Research


Clarity, relevance, research ability, measurability, and specificity are all features

of a good research question. A good research question should be brief and explicit about

the issue or problem that needs to be addressed. It should be straightforward and clear. It

should be relevant to the topic of study, add to the existing body of knowledge, and solve

significant gaps or concerns. Additionally, a viable research question should make it

possible to conduct empirical research and collect pertinent data. Effective data analysis

and interpretation are made possible by providing measurable outcomes. Proverbs 25:2

says, “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a

matter”. Lastly, to effectively guide the research process, a good research question should

be specific and focused, avoiding broad or general inquiries (Trobia, 2018).


When it aligns with the problem statement and guides the choice of methodology,

a research question is effective. An effective research question is derived directly from the

problem statement, ensuring a clear connection to the primary issue and putting the focus

on it. In addition, it offers advice on how to choose the right research design, data collection

methods, and analysis strategies. The chosen method can effectively respond to the

research question and provide useful insights by addressing it (Trobia, 2018).


Clearness, relevance, feasibility, and measurability are frequently absent from weak

research questions. A weak research question might not be clear enough to effectively guide

the study, be it hazy, ambiguous, or poorly defined. Additionally, if a research question

does not address significant problems or gaps in the field, it may lose its relevance and be

limited in its contribution to existing knowledge. Also considered weak are unfeasible

research questions that cannot be practically investigated due to time, resource, or ethical

constraints. Additionally, weak research questions may lack specific outcomes or

measurable variables, making it challenging to draw meaningful conclusions and hindering

the collection and analysis of data (Ponto, 2018).


There are a few steps that researchers can take to create a robust set of research

questions. First and foremost, conducting a comprehensive literature review assists in

locating inconsistencies and controversies that call for additional investigation. Based on

this information, potential research questions based on existing information can be

developed. The generated questions can then be refined through critical evaluation and

brainstorming to ensure that they are clear, specific, and in line with the problem statement.

To further refine the research questions and ensure their relevance and significance,

it is essential to seek feedback from mentors, coworkers, or experts in the field. It is crucial

to arrange the research questions in a logical order that corresponds to the study's objectives

and is feasible. Lastly, Ponto (2018) says that conducting a pilot study enables the

evaluation of the feasibility and efficacy of the research questions and permits

modifications based on actual experiences.


Clarity, relevance, validity, reliability, and neutrality are all characteristics of good

interview or survey questions. The participants should be able to easily understand them

without using jargon or complicated language. The questions should address the specific

information requested from the participants and be pertinent to the goals of the research.

To ensure that the questions consistently measure what they are designed to

measure, validity, and reliability are crucial. The questions should not be biased or prompt   

specific responses from participants. Additionally, good interview or survey questions

should be arranged in a logical order to ensure that information flows easily and is not lost

in translation (Kucukaltan et al., 2020).



King James Bible. (2020). King James Bible Online.  https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/  Links to an external site. (Original work published 1769)

Kucukaltan, B., Saatcioglu, O. Y., Irani, Z., & Tuna, O. (2020). Gaining strategic insights into Logistics 4.0: expectations and impacts*.  Production Planning & Control, 1–17.  https://doi.org/10.1080/09537287.2020.1810760Links to an external site.

Ponto, J. (2018). Understanding and evaluating survey research.  Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology6(2), 168–171. NCBI.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4601897/Links to an external site.

Trobia, A. (2018).  Questionnaire – sage research methods. Methods.sagepub.com.  https://methods.sagepub.com/reference/encyclopedia-of-survey-research-methods/n424.xml#:~:text=The%20questionnaire%20is%20the%20mainLinks to an external site.