Discussion post 1

The Ga, a group of about 2 million people who live near Accra, the capital of Ghana, have become known for their fantasy coffins which they carve and decorate according to their patron's request. Locally, the coffins are called "abebun adekai" (which literally means "boxes with proverbs").Please respond to the following prompts (at least 200 words):

  • Do a quick Google Image search for "Ghana Ga Coffin." 
  • Share an image of your favorite one.
    • What appealed to you about this example? Explain, and point to specific details as necessary.
    • What do you think it tells us about the person for whom it was made? 


Discussion post 2

Then respond to the following discussion board prompts (at least 200 words):

  • Now that we've spent two weeks on African art and have discussed the relationship to Western artists and art museums, what is your reaction or response to this Black Panther clip? If you've already seen the film, has your perspective changed at all?
  • Do you agree with the author? Why/why not? Is there anything else that museums in the U.S. and Europe can do to make their institutions "relevant and respectful for all visitors?"


Critical thinking 1

So many of the African artworks found in museums in Europe and North America were originally looted and stolen through colonialist and imperialist campaigns in Africa.For this project, you will watch a video about African Art, Restitution, and the Contemporary Art Market and then address the discussion prompts below:

Do NOT conduct outside research, do not copy/paste text from an online source, do not use A.I. to generate a response…your answer should come from your own observations and/or the assigned readings/videos, the powerpoint, etc. Cases of suspected plagiarism will be addressed by the instructor.


Watch & respond

Watch this Art21 video about contemporary art in Johannesburg, South Africa (55 min), then answer the questions below (at least 200 words):

  • How do these different artists draw inspiration from living in South Africa — from its history, its culture, its unique issues or circumstances?
  • Which artist's work did you find the most interesting, and why?


Readings to help with assingments..














