Using the template:

  • Complete the agency and client information section.
  • Provide a transcript of what happened during your field education experience, including a dialogue of interaction with a client.
  • Identify your application of specific theories, tools, and skills within the interaction.
  • Analyze the interaction by interpreting the client’s verbal and nonverbal responses.
  • Describe your reactions, including what you were thinking and feeling, and/or any issues related to the client interaction.


The first section is for introducing the client. Please include the following information:

Agency Information: Blue Lagon Shelter

Client information (confidentiality of course): Please be advised that everything we discuss in here today is confidential and I have no right to

talk to anyone about this, duty to warn, and informed consent (permission for care, treatment, or services)

Session Number: This is session One

Date 6/22/2022

Presenting Issue (reason for referral) Josie is a single mother with two children, James (5) and Jessica (15). Josie is experiencing financial

problems and behavioral issues involving her children

Relevant Information Josie works as an administrative assistant. She takes care of her two children, James (5) and Jessica (15), although her

ex-husband’s child support is 6 months behind.

Goal of Session

1. Client Goal

Identify financial resources and address the children’s problems to improve their quality of life and health.

2. Your Goal

Aid the client achieve financial stability and provide resources to address the children’s problems.

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Dialogue Please group dialogue together.

Identify (for each section) 1. Theory 2. Tools 3. Skills

Analysis/assessment of dialogue What was going on? What were the

patient's reactions to your feedback? How did the client respond verbally

(quality of voice, tone, did the respond better to closed or open-ended

questions?) How did the client respond non-verbally (how did you know they were listening? were they distracted?

Did they welcome your feedback?)

Personal reactions and self- reflection to the interaction

What were you thinking? How do you feel the session went?

What could you have done better? What will you do differently/the same next


Josie arrives for her intake assessment.

Me: Hello, I am a MSW. Please be advised that everything we discuss here will remain confidential and I have no right to share it with any unauthorized person. Are you okay with that so we can continue?

Josie: Yes, I am okay.

Me: Great, so what is the problem you are experiencing?

Josie: I don't know where to begin. There is so much going on. My kids are having problems. I’m having money problems. I

Theory: Systems theory

Tools: Intake form

Skills: Build rapport, assess the problem, open-ended questions, and active listening.

Josie responded well to building rapport. She provided informed consent after informing her that our discussion was confidential. She showed willingness to share her problems and search for assistance. I used open-ended question by asking her to openly share with me the details of the problems she was experiencing. Josie was open to communicating about her situation and easily dived straight into assessing the problem. Josie responded positively by providing details of her problems because I listened to her actively as she talked.

I believe introducing myself and asking the patient for her consent and assuring that our discussion would remain confidential helped in building a rapport. Also, using open-minded questions aided in understanding and assessing the client’s problems in a broad manner. I listened to Josie actively, which aided in understanding her description of the problems she was facing.

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can’t even get my car fixed. Their father is out of the picture for the most part, he won’t even pay child support. I am just so worried. I’ve never asked for help like this before.

Me: This seems like a lot. Who do you usually reach out to for support?

Josie: Well, my parents, but they live out of state so they’re not too involved. But they like to hear from me and the kids. And Kate, my best friend and like an aunt to the kids. But she’s gone now. Drug overdose.

Theory: Systems theory

Tools: Resources list

Skills: Gain further understanding of the problem, open-ended questions, empathy, assess client’s support system

Josie responded well after I showed empathy acknowledging that she was going through a lot. She provided a detailed response to my question by describing her support system, hence assessing and understanding her problems better.

I felt like showing empathy by acknowledging that she was going through a lot resulted in the client feeling understood. Also, an open-minded question about her support system was helpful in evaluating the problems further and understanding her problems.

Me: Thanks for sharing that information. What else would you like me to know?

Josie: I don’t want to ask my parents for money again. I have done that too many times before.

Theory: Systems theory

Tools: Ecomap

Skills: Gain further understanding of the problem, open-ended questions,

Josie responded positively to my open- ended question on any additional information she wanted to share with me about her support systems. Her responses aided in understanding her relationship with her family and social circle.

I thought by asking the client to provide further details about her support systems was essential in understanding the problem deeper.

Me: It sounds like money is a big stressor impacting your life. What would help ease your financial situation?

Josie: Josie: Well, I think my parents would help some, but they always have this look in their eyes like “I told you so.” I feel like such a failure to them. But I’d like to have

Theory: Systems theory

Tools: Resources list

Skills: open-ended questions, interpretation, reflection of feeling, assess

Josie responded well when I demonstrated that I had identified money as a significant stressor. Also, she responded in details when I asked her about possible options she thought would help her in solving the financial problems she had.

I believe I applied appropriate skills to demonstrate that my goal was to help the client by assessing potential solutions to her problems.

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my ex-husband pay me the money that he owes me, but it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen. If I could get some help with my rent, that would free up money for other necessities.

patient’s resource list.

Me: I hear that your finances are a stressor for you. Do you think this has contributed to the issues your children are experiencing?

Josie: Probably. Jessica’s had to pick up a part-time job to help out. And James has probably picked up on the stress. He definitely knows we might get evicted.

Theory: Systems theory

Tools: Biopsychosocial

Skills: Interpretation, assessing the problem further, open-ended questions.

The client responded well by linking her financial situation to the children’s behavior, hence assessing and understanding the problem better.

I applied open-ended questioning and biopsychosocial assessment to understand the relationship between the client’s situation and the children’s behavior.

Me: Okay, tell me more about the challenges with Jessica and James.

Josie: Well, the school thinks my daughter is on drugs. She’s pregnant, just like I was around her age. My son, he’s acting up in school, fighting with the other kids, and they say he’s even stealing food.

Theory: Systems theory

Tools: Ecomap

Skills: assessing the problem further, open- ended questions.

Josie reacted well to the open-ended questioning by revealing more details about her children’s problems, hence helping in understanding the problem better.

My questions about the problems Josie’s children were facing was essential to identify potential resources and strategies to address them.

Me: That is a lot to deal with- do you want to focus on resources for your children first or financial resources? Josie: Financial. That’s the most pressing

Theory: Systems theory

Tools: Ecomap

The patient responded well when I encouraged her that she was not alone and I would help her address the problems she was facing.

I thought it was essential to encourage the patient that all will be well. Also, it was vital to seek clarification from the

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issue. That’s what’s keeping me up at night. I’m all alone. I have no friends, no family, no life. I’m just not sure what to do.

Me: You are not alone. Let's make a list of what you feel needs to be done, prioritize them, and see what services we have. Getting your finances in order would be top of the list, correct?

Josie: Yes, that’s right, then, probably, addressing the drug issue with Jessica, getting her proper healthcare.

Skills: Encouragement, Clarification,

Also, the client clarified that we were to prioritize financial problems followed by her children’s behavioral issues.

patient about prioritization of her needs in addressing the issues she was facing.


The systems theory worked best for the client’s needs. The theory states that a person’s behavior and thinking is influenced by the environment

or systems they interact with (Zastrow et al., 2019). According to Lub (2019), the systems theory aids social workers in putting together a family’s

story, hence understanding the whole system in which clients live. Thus, social workers understand the problems facing an individual, both inside

and outside the family. Therefore, the systems theory was essential to identify and understand Josie’s problems and determine resources to

address the issues (Adams et al., 2014).

Josie’s next session will involve providing her with financial assistance as already agreed. Also, I will refer her and the children to the

psychotherapy and rehabilitation resources to address Jessica’s drug issue, and James’ healthcare. Moreover, Josie should also participate in

psychotherapy and counselling sessions to improve her mental health. Consequently, the whole family will receive appropriate care, improving

the quality of their lives.


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Adams, K. M., Hester, P. T., Bradley, J. M., Meyers, T. J., & Keating, C. B. (2014). Systems theory as the foundation for understanding

systems. Systems Engineering, 17(1), 112–123.

Lub, V. (2019). Theory, social work methods and participation. Journal of Social Work, 19(1), 3–19.

Zastrow, C. H., Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hessenauer, S. L. (2019). Understanding human behavior and the

social environment (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

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Ella Schultz

Identifying Data

Ella Schultz is a 16-year-old White female of German decent. She was raised in Ohio. Ella’s family consists of her father, Robert (44 years old), and her mother, Rose (39 years old). Ella currently resides in a residential group home, where she has been since she ran away from home. Ella has been provided room and board in the residential treatment facility for the past 3 months. Ella describes herself as bi-sexual.

Presenting Problem

Ella has been living homeless for 13 months. She has been arrested on two occasions for shoplifting and once for loitering (as a teen in need of supervision) in the last 7 months. Ella has recently been court ordered to reside in a group home with counseling. She refuses to return home due to the abuse she experienced. After 3 months at Teens First, Ella said she is thinking about reinitiating contact with her mother. She has not seen either parent in 6 months and missed the stability of the way her family “used to be,” although she is also conflicted due to recognizing the instability of her family. Ella is confused about the path to follow.

Family Dynamics

Ella indicates that her family worked well until her father began drinking heavily about 3 years ago. She remembers her parents being social and going out or having friends over for drinks, but she never remembered them becoming drunk. Then, her father lost his job as an information technology (IT) support professional and was unable to find meaningful work. He took on part-time jobs at electronics stores, but they left him demoralized. Her parents stopped socializing, and then her father was fired from his last job because he arrived drunk. Ella’s father would regularly be drunk by the time she arrived home from school.

When Ella started having trouble in school, her father would berate her when she came home if she didn’t study immediately. Then, he would interrupt her studies by following her around and verbally abusing her. Soon after, he began hitting her or throwing objects at her. Once she went to the emergency room for stitches on her brow when she was struck by a drinking glass her father threw. She was able to convince the emergency room (ER) staff, however, that it was a bike accident, as she was known as an avid biker around her community, often riding to and from school and elsewhere.

Ella’s mother did not witness these events, as they often occurred before she returned from work, and her father might be passed out by this time. Ella reports that her mother was in denial about her father, often pretending there was no issue. When Ella tried to report the abuse, her mother took her father’s side. Finally, after the stitches, Ella confronted her mom with her father present. Her father denied it, flew into a rage, and then physically abused both Ella and her mom.

The next day, Ella’s mom acted as if nothing happened. After the abuse quickly escalated in the next week, to the point where she could no longer hide it or cover it up,

Ella fled home and has been homeless since. She left a note before leaving for school one morning and did not return home.

Educational History

Ella attends school at the group home, taking general education classes for her general education development (GED) credential. Shortly after her father lost his job, Ella began experiencing learning disabilities. Her difficulties began in math, where she had difficulty sorting and making sense of numbers. Then she began to fall behind in her reading. Her grades went from a B average to consistent D’s. Some of Ella’s Instructors began to raise the issue of a possible learning disability. A counselor made an appointment to discuss possible causes, but Ella left school and home just prior to that meeting, and did not attend.

Employment History

Ella reports that her father was employed as an IT support professional at a bank. When the bank downsized and closed many branches, her father was laid off. He was unable to secure another IT support position, as many companies had begun outsourcing this work to contractors or overseas. He began to work part-time retail jobs at consumer electronics stores but quickly became demoralized and lost a series of those jobs. Her mother works as a full-time home health aide.

Social History

Ella reports that the homeless encampment (where she wound up for a long stretch) had a group of teens that stuck together for protection and to shield themselves and each other from certain bad choices. It was at this time that Ella reports she became bisexual, seeking out and bonding to a group of women who were able to avoid being exploited for human trafficking.

The encampment group did still engage in risky behavior, however, including frequent shoplifting and other theft to secure food, supplies, etc. Likewise, although Ella reports that she did not engage in prostitution, she did engage in unprotected sex with one woman whose sexual history may have included prostitution or intravenous drug use. Thus Ella contracted a sexually transmitted infection (STI) in one instance.

Ella reports she might consider trying to go home if she knew her father was no longer there, despite feeling betrayed by her mother. She would also be willing to reconcile and attend therapy with her. However, Ella feels that her mother, who comes from a very religious family (though does not practice much now), would ultimately reject her due to her bisexual identification.

Ella also feels a strong bond to the group of teens and women with whom she stayed in the homeless encampment. She reports that she misses them and wishes she could see them—especially one teen in particular named Marisol. She says she considers these women to be as much, if not more, her family as her biological family.

Mental Health History

Ella began counseling to address the abuse in her history. In her initial reports, as detailed above, she cites mostly verbal and psychological abuse with only two instances of physical abuse. She denies any sexual abuse.

When Ella recounts the physical abuse specifically, however, she shows added signs of acute distress and trauma. The physical harm caused by the event that triggered her leaving was reportedly significant—bruising on both arms, a split lip, a bloody nose, and a bump on the head—all from punches—as well as bruises on her leg from being kicked. She did not seek medical help and avoided as much social contact as possible the day she ran away, so as not to encourage inquiries about her home situation.

Ella does have positive memories of what she calls “the before time,” and she shows a desire to return to that time. She worries for her mom, despite feeling betrayed by her. The last time she did have contact with her mom, she promised to leave her dad, but Ella does not know if this ever occurred.

Legal History

Ella has been arrested three times, twice for shoplifting and once for vagrancy. Citing the abuse she reported at home and the fears she felt, Ella was mandated to services at the Teens First agency, unlike her prior arrests when she was sent to detention.

Alcohol and Drug Use History

Ella denies any alcohol or drug use while living homeless. She reports the homeless encampment (where she wound up for a long stretch) had a group of teens that stuck together and were able to shield themselves from certain bad choices.

Medical History

During intake, it was noted that Ella showed signs of living homeless, including carrying all her possessions in one bag, signs of malnourishment, feet with heavy callouses, and clothing in disrepair. She did not show signs of drug use or self-harm. The STI she contracted was diagnosed upon intake, and she received antibiotics for treatment.


Ella is resilient in learning how to survive in a difficult situation. She was able to avoid the more severe negative outcomes, such as human trafficking and drug use. She is able to form beneficial bonds for protection and support.

Father: Robert Schultz (44 years old)

Mother: Rose Schultz (39 years old)

Daughter: Ella Schultz (16 years old)



The first section is for introducing the client. Please include the following information:

Agency Information

Client information (confidentiality of course)

Session Number


Presenting Issue (reason for referral)

Relevant Information

Goal of Session

1. Client Goal

2. Your Goal


Please group dialogue together.

Identify (for each section)

1. Theory

2. Tools

3. Skills

Analysis/assessment of dialogue

What was going on?  What were the patient's reactions to your feedback?  How did the client respond verbally (quality of voice, tone, did the respond better to closed or open-ended questions?) How did the client respond non-verbally (how did you know they were listening? were they distracted? Did they welcome your feedback?)

Personal reactions and self-reflection to the interaction

What were you thinking?  How do you feel the session went?  What could you have done better?  What will you do differently/the same next time?




Process Recording- Cavanagh ( Foundation Year) 2019